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Each one of the below-listed projects is made from scratch and is not any copied project. Be it brainstorming to pick up an idea for a project that will truly make sense (in terms of relevance and social good) to using a couple of languages and their concepts to turn that idea into practicality I enjoyed every bit of it. And I am not hesitant in saying that these projects truly define how sound I am when it comes to dealing with problems and finding a way around them because, in the end, the world only sees the eye-pleasing production build. But after making these varying projects I found myself in the shoes of a person working relentlessly to make the development build.
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Be more creative with this Canva extension that lets you
access Canva things within a second, & use state-of-the-art
AI models
Extension Link
Working Video
Your pal for the Pangea platform as it lets you save &
beautifully organize important stuff from the Pangea developer
Extension Link
Working Video
Want to share the Tableau doc site's bookmarked images/pages
with your peers! Try this extension as it can be done in a jiffy
Extension Link
Working Video
A budget controlling web app which provides the user to manage
his assets/liabilities in a single go. Not hosted as of now
Extension Link
Working Video
For the GitLab users, it can save the GitPod sessions, download
the repos in a jiffy, & bookmark few of the repos.
Live Link
Working Video
Nylas and AI project that can help you sync multiple email
inboxes in a single Coda doc for the best clarity on what you
are receiving and an AI analysis to get the best
Working Video
Dropbox, AI, and mail project that would ensure you do not miss
out any of the important signing email sitting in your inbox
Live Link
Working Video
A project for the buyers and sellers to get the best platformt o
buy/sell products by providing options like: whatsapp chatbot,
website, and an extension
Live Link
Working Video
Extension Link
Wish your loved ones with customized emails/sms templates sent
on the very first minute of their birthdays, anniversaries,
Live Link
Working Video
No need to worry about the different timezone and currency shown
on the event pages. try this extension to change anything to
your preferred zone/currency
Extension Link
Extension Link
A culmination of 3 different games that will challenge you and
also increae your knowledge/skills while beating the levels
(Blockchain is also Integrated).
Live Link
Working Video
A budget controlling web app which provides the user to manage
his assets/liabilities in a single go. Not hosted as of now
Live Link
Working Video
Snapchat machine learning based lens that will take your around
the world by asking questions related to Place, Animal, and
Things. Will also provide some stats
Working Video
One-stop solution for the entire healthcare-industry by catering
to the needs of Patients, Hospitals, and Doctors
Live Link
Working Video
You can subscribe to this amazing email-comic newsletter service
that will deliver amazing comic snippets in your inbox after
every 5 minutes
Live Link
Working Video
The smartest water conservation project which uses utilities
like Php, python, ML, Twilio, Integromat, C++, Arduino & tons of
electrical sensors.
Live Link
Working Video
A pdf parser for FIRs that does text extraction by using things
like OCR and tensorflow models
Working Video
A budget controlling web app which provides the user to manage
his assets/liabilities in a single go. Not hosted as of now
Working video
A fun game that tests your knowledge by asking questions that
you can only asnwer in the console
Live Link
Just a UI project that shows why education is imporant and thus
urges everyone to pursue education & get benefitted from it
Live Link
Did you noticed something weird 🤔: All of my projects are made using simple languages and have not utilized any of the language-frameworks. There are two primary reasons behind that:
a. I like the tough way, and that is why I try to make great stuff by using the most basic languages
b. As I continuously add new services/things to an application, I can't restrict myself with a specific framework because most of the time, the services are not available in that framework. So, by using node js/ vanilla JS SDKs, I can easily incorporate the new services into my application.
For most of my applications, I deploy the node.js backend on my Glitch server, so that I have a small ever-running VM that can handle the backend requests ✌️